Sunday 9 October 2011

Online Education

The internet helps towards education in several different ways such as information websites, educational videos, online activities, research and forums.
Examples of websites like this are:

BBC Bitesize- An online revision website for all subjects up to GCSE level.

MyMaths- An online maths website that can be used for learning, revision and homework.

YouTube- An online video website that lets you search anything you want.  These videos 
can show examples of what you are learning or videos that explain things to you.

Wikipedia- An online information website that has information about nearly everything for you to research.

The Student Room- An online forum for students to ask questions about problems they are having with work or exams.

Sam Learning- An online education website for people to revise and do quizzes on certain subjects in order to earn points on their profile and beat their friends.

FastTomato- An online careers education and guidance system, designed for people aged 12 upwards who are considering their future career and study options.

Net Frog- An online tutorial website that shows you how to dissect a frog correctly.  It has videos and activities for you to do, to help you understand.

Advantages of Research Websites:
  • Fast to search what you are looking for
  • Helps people with their homework
  • They have information about lots of topics

Disadvantages of Research Websites:
  • It is not guaranteed that they will have the exact information you want
  • Some of the information could be out of date
  • Some information could be incorrect

In my opinion, research websites are very useful.  If you need to know something, I’m sure there will be a website that can tell you.  However, if you are using a website such as wikipedia, then you should check the information on another website to make sure it is correct.  This is because wikipedia can be edited by anyone that thinks they know about something and sometimes write the wrong information.

Advantages of Educational Videos:
  • Easy to learn from because people don’t get bored from reading lots of text
  • More interesting
  • Wide range of things to learn about
  • Kids prefer to learn from videos rather than teachers talking or going through a book.

Disadvantages of Educational Videos:
  • Some videos displayed by your search can be irrelevant to what you are looking for
  • Videos might not go into much detail
  • Slow internet connections can affect your experience with videos because they can load really slowly and you have to wait.

In my opinion, educational videos are good.  They break up the old ways of learning and revising.  During my exams I used to go onto youtube to find some videos that would help me understand and remember topics better, and it worked.  This is a good form of education, but unfortunately everyone learns in different ways so it might only be useful for some people.

Advantages of Revision Websites:
  • Made especially to help you remember information
  • Easy to use
  • Nearly every subject to revise
  • Activities such as quizzes to test what you have learned

Disadvantages of Revision Websites:
  • It doesn’t cover a whole topic, just the important bits
  • All the schools in the country are doing something slightly different, so the revision website might not include what you are learning 
In my opinion, revision websites help with the main points of a topic but not the less important points which make it less useful than other education sources.  However it has good activities that help you revise.

Advantages of Activity Websites:
  • They help people to practice questions such as maths sums
  • It is more fun to do an activity and it might help you learn better
  • It is easy to use
Disadvantages of Activity Websites:
  • Some activities might only cover a topic briefly
  • MyMaths needs a login to be able to use it
  • Some people might find them repetitive
In my opinion, I think activity websites are also useful because it could be a preferred way for someone to learn and it is a good way to learn maths because it guides you through while you work out sums and it is easier than using pens, paper and text books.

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