Sunday 11 September 2011

Introduction to the Information Age

Welcome to my Information Technology Blog.  This Blog will be about the Information Age and different types of online service. I will be focusing on 5 different type of online service, which include:

Communication: This includes email, instant messaging, message boards, online conferencing, blogs, newsgroups, chat and e-communities.

Download Services: This includes software, upgrades, music, and film.

Entertainment: This includes multi-user games, radio players, sports and books.

Education: This includes VLEs, online learning, school web sites, school league tables, online revision and simulations.

Commerce: This includes shopping, banking and auctions.

I will be writing interesting facts about the different services that we have online, what we use the online service for, what the online service could be like in the future as technology develops further and how services could be lost and forgotten because of new upcoming technology and online service.  We will also see how we use the different technology in our day to day lives and how helpful it is.

We will also be going through the ‘Digital Divide’. We will find out what is being done to narrow the gap and how effective these measures are proving.  We will also see some benefits and drawbacks of narrowing this divide.

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